Just a list of all of our personal favorite games we have had over the years. Some old and some new, we play a bit of everything around here. Take a look and maybe you can find something you will enjoy as well.
Kite’s Modern Favorites:
Top 5
- Celeste
- I own this game on every platform it has been released on. What can I say, it is an amazing game with unlimited replay-ability!
- Stardew Valley
- Same as Celeste, what an amazing game! If you enjoy the old school Harvest Moon games before they turned into garbage then this is the game for you.
- The Binding of Isaac Rebirth
- This is a fun challenge game, and with the Steam workshop the playability is always fresh and fun.
- Tales of Symphonia
- Originally on the Gamecube I played the heck out of it. One of the best in the Tales series! It is also available on Steam now 😀
- Diablo IV
- This one started out rough, terrible release, horrible loot, and just a bad experience. However, they have done so much in so little time. The game is actually quite fun, and the DLC makes it even better!
Kite’s Retro Favorites:
- Phantasy Star Online 1 & 2+ (23k Hours Played to date!)
- One of the best games in my opinion, I have spent many many hours playing it. It still holds up to this day, with its interesting story and unique weapons. Be sure to check it out if you want to, as I’m sure it will be a great time.
- .Hack IMOQ Games (3.4k Hours Played to date!)
- A very fun series of games, with great story and characters. The almost infinite fields/dungeons to explore really make this a game with a lot of playtime. I have enjoyed them over the years myself, also that is where I get my name from.
Bree’s Retro Favorites:
- Pokémon Colosseum
- It is one of the most challenging games in the series, but still one of the best. I would highly recommend it. The battles, animations, music, and the gameplay mechanics are all fantastic and hold up quite well.
Gameboy Advance
- Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
- These were some of the first Pokemon games I played, they started me on my epic journey that I have been on now for years. Not the greatest story, yet the music and mechanics are what makes it so great and fun to play.
- Hamtaro: Ham Ham Heartbreak
- One of the best in the Hamtaro series, the story is good and the graphics is a step up from the gameboy. Plus who doesn’t want to play as Hamtaro and Bijou.